Tuesday, July 7, 2009

cant wait for my 21st Birthdayyyyy

will celebrate wit the college frens tis friday..
and the theme for tatday is :

everyone must at least got one ribbon..
they can put it wherever they wan...
and they is a punishment for ppl who din wear..
see you guys

saturday night will go Luna Bar wit Fourskin frens..
cant wait again... hehehe...
and Help's gang
Hanzis gang
Raymond's place
AJ at Baskin Robin... ^^


CYT said...

lol..seem like u really
so "qi dai" wor..i think
that day will be a wonderful
day for u ya!~
hehe..but..without steph
steph lo...sigh~

jolicious' journal said...


ya...cant wait dy...
altho my dream no comes true...
still so fat... hahaha... but must enjoy dy tat night...

i ady ask her wear ribbon and wait for us to online... then webcam... woohoooo....

CYT said...

haha..ur dream wont become true
until that day, so when the time
u make the wish fot tis year bday, may b u nit to change a bit ade, hehe..

really? sound so exciting..hehe..
if steph dun have ribbon oso kena punishment lo~~
keke... XD

seokli said...
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