Friday, October 23, 2009

yesterday after work, me Yoke Teng n Cheryl went to M.O.S for tis called Men Hunk event.
thanks cheryl for the VIP ticket.. and we got a nice place to watch the show...
Awesome nya~~
so after work, changed at Yoke Teng place then chut fatt lorrrrrrr

camwhore awhile while them in the toilet.. ^^
girl ma... is like tat geh lor...

yea.... camwhore 2gether..

the most handsome ...
for me la... them i dunno...
since my leng jai is.......

the show END

Camwhore timeeeeeeeeeee

we r good girls...
drink Sprite

pose for our watch...

tis pose is sexy.... hahahaha
later 430 need reach M.O.S again for another Event...
Akon 's Interview
and tonite is his CONCERT...
wonder i can go or not leh the concert... =)