Sunday, November 22, 2009

fullofshits but iloveit

yesterday was so damn happy..
dinner wit my kawan baik at Damansara village..
but i hate waiting u guys lor... =(
emo abit but after that OK dy..
after dinner, we had nth to do so we go to Lecka-Lecka, KL.
me and shwulameei met a crazy bin tai guy but luckily NTH HAPPEN..
then talk talk talk BULLSHITSSS
and thanks to KONG
You know me well.. ==
very big right....hhahahaha...
Heart u guys..
cant wait for tis comin tuesday
Swensen and hope can watch movie ler...
last weekend or last last weekend or last last last weekend?? lolz....
celebrate Foo's Birthday at Zouk.

he is so damn HOT man...

hit to the dance floor, the stage bcoz of someone...
lol lol...

Handsome owen..

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