Friday, November 6, 2009


one month in Universal finally gone.
time flies damn fast
like it or hate it?
i oso dunno..
sometimes feel bored when i have nth to do and feel likes give up.
tell them i wanna stop.
but i just cant.
i wan to graduate
i really hope they can give me more things to do and learn.
altho i will still scare and not ready, but doing nth really damn BORED!
but soon, very soon im gonna take over my mentor position for 10 days
bcoz she will go Australia to attend her fren's graduation.
and i need to go to all the radio stations and tv station by myself.
im not ready yet.
next sunday,
is Jonas Brother's new album event at OU.
my another mentor ask me to follow up tis event since my mentor not around.
i need to comfirm everything is ready b4 the day,
comfirm Hitz Fm to do the web advertisement,
make sure they got giveaway the CDs
the onground nd ONAir announcement bout the Jonas Brother event
the place, the set up eveything...
hope i can do it
god bless me... lolz.....

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