Sunday, December 13, 2009

baby day out

Dunno which weekends, me and the family bring baby shopping at Pavilion.
the purpose we go there is to take pictures... semangat nya~~
what to do... my house got this KAM POR LOR...
the King of the house.... hahaha.....
next time need to go Zoo Negara, Genting, eat KFC, McD....
hahahaha.... gan jiong....
here are the pics we took tatday.

Parent and the Kam Por Lor

Por Por and Leng auntie....

Lut face ^^

My darling...
he look like me....

Baby's car...

my father super duper sek him.
can see through tis pic...

cant wait for Chinese New Year..
wanna wear cheong sum with him.. hehe...


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