Thursday, January 28, 2010

to my cousin bro.

26th Jan 2010, when i woke up in the morning wanted to go college,
my mother cried and she hug me.
she told me that u'r pass away.
for that moment i really dunno wat to do.
both of us just cry cry cry..
my heart is so pain..
really really really really really really pain.

how i wish everything is just a dream,
how i wish actually is my brother bully my mother again
but not the news that u're already gone.

few days ago i just talk wit u,
but now u're gone forever.
u will never going to say hello and talk to me.

although u're just my cousin but got one moment we'r always together
when u stay beside us,
u will always come my house do homework do revision.
sometimes will eat at my house.
u told me u hate the aunty, bcoz she's so dirty.
eveynight u joggin.
everytime u will never close ur door bcoz u said got the HUGE dog.

i still remember when we're young, i like to stay at grandparent house.
then at night u will come knock our door, then all of us Taryn, Mandy, Bk, Boon Guan and Vicky will cook maggi together and watch animal docmentary together.
sometimes we will talk ghost story.
we will all play at midnight.
we like to go buy snacks together.

u like to come my house after my father finis work.
everytime when my father come back from work, the car sure will extra one person.
that you. =)

u likes to play wit my dog that no one dare to touch it.
u likes to play wit my brother
u likes to talk cocks to make us happy, is really very LAME
u likes to cheat in gamble to make everyone wan to boo you. but its just so funny.
u likes to lose and let us win
u likes to watch Zhao Xin Chi movie
u likes dog so so so so much
u likes to care people.
u like to play wit the younger cousin.
u likes to play football
u likes to read story book.

when i broke up last time,
u ask me to Jia You.
u say i sure can do it.
i don deserve to have a ... bf.
finally i can over come it.
how bout u?

everytimes i wanted to find u but no one accompany me.
so when i go ur house do assignment i sure will talk to u
i still remember when i do 24 Power Drink assignment, u said u want to talk to me,
but i was busy wit assignment and in the end i fall as sleep.
2 days later ur depression coma back.
i felt so guilty never talk to u.
i felt so guilty bcoz i busy wit assignment and owned work until no time to find u.
i felt guilty bcoz everytime we hang out oso din call u.
i felt guilty bcoz i will never ever got the change to talk to u.
i really really really can be ur cousin next life.

i miss u so much

LOVE U. my cousin.